
Domain Name Registration Scam

Here is an e-mail that I received last night, and it's not the first and for sure not the last.  If any of you have been getting these type of e-mails, it's a scam!  These companies make it sound like a company, with an American name, is trying to dominate your domain name overseas.  The e-mails are always courteous, like they're doing you a huge favor by giving you the rights to the registry so that you pay them $800+ in domain registry fees.

I have to admit that when I first received this type of e-mail, I was alarmed and paranoid that a company was trying to copy me and take over China with my business name.  After talking to my sister-in-law, who also owns a business, she told me she gets these false solicitations all the time.  I replied to the first e-mail and told them it was a scam and "shame on you", and they got really angry with me.

After asking around, domain registries don't operate that way--if they're available, anyone can buy it instantly.  Companies do not hold registries for other people.  Furthermore, since I didn't register all the domain addresses, the previous "company" should've been allowed to register the names.  However, these domain addresses are still available, and now another company is using it for their scam.

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